International Trade Expert and Consultant

Author, Exporter and patriot

Gerry Bratley MIEx

Web content and design by G Bratley MIEx © 2020

Korea.mp4 Korea Connections

Click anywhere on the picture above for a sample viewing  of  our basic Korean presentation

Although I have visited many markets many times, and lived and worked in Bahrain , Malaysia and South Korea for long periods of time, I would only claim Korea as a specialist market. I was married to a Korean for 12 years and lived there for 7 years, and spent a further 2 years as the Department for Trade Export Promoter for Korea in 1993-5.  Followed by running my company Korea Connections until 2001. I understand the business and social culture and much of the language. I keep pace with market developments which have been radical in the past 20 years or so. The Daewoo group’s financial problems of the early millenium led to the multi-sectoral conglomerates (The Chaebol) being broken up, and many are now operating under different names and management. However, this has not prevented, Samsung becoming the largest electronics business on the planet, with LG, Hyundai and other Chaebol businesses global players in other fields.